
Just read a blog that I found from chin's blog, about Grace Chow - someone who has passed away from a cancer, and recorded the last 10 days of her life on the blog. Her story is so touching and so real. Death feels so real nowadays. Someone I visited in the hospital just passed away in less than 5 hours after I visited him. I looked at his body at the wake, and wonder to myself.. what a difference. I was looking at a breathing human being, and now what is left is only just an empty shell. The only comfort is that he knew God, so at least we all are assured about where he is now.

Grace's words touched my heart deeply. Someone on the verge of death, yet her words were so real, so alive. She is right.. sometimes, what's hard is not dying, but knowing that you got to leave the rest of your loved ones behind to experience your death. After she dies, she doesn't need to deal with death anymore, but her husband has to. And sometimes, that's what is so heart wrenching.

Reading Grace's blog starts me thinking about life all over again. Someone just commented today that life is so fragile. How true is that. All of a sudden, I realised that living each day is a brand new blessing from God. No one knows what lays ahead of us. We just need to live it to the fullest. To someone who is dying, there is no such thing as the future. Even tomorrow is too far away. To us who are still living healthily, simply thank God. Thank God that I am able to do so much for this world. Thank God for the many people who love me. Thank God that I have something to look forward to, even when I am gone. Life is fragile. Live every moment for God.


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