
What Pastor Kong preached on Friday night really impacted me.

It's just amazing how God will sometimes have different themes for me each week, and everything that happens just gels with the theme perfectly, and teaches me different aspects of that theme that I should know.

Just like the past week, the topic of priorities have been coming back to me ever so often. The things that happened... the situations... all made me ponder whether people really put God as their top priority in life. It made me wonder if I am the only one who arranges all my other schedules and tasks around two important times - cell group & service.

Then God spoke, through Pastor Kong on friday, that no, I'm not the only one, and I will not be the last one, who have made that decision to arrange my life around God and church. And my frustrations against those who choose not to do that are justified, yet I must not forget that priorities are never easy to make, and I cannot expect everyone to be able to do that willingly.

Yet, how true it is. Whenever I put God first in my life, and arrange everything else around it, God will see to it that I experience tremendous blessings. Even though it meant alot of inconveniences, missing out on some fun, whatever. At the end of the day, I cannot compromise on this conviction of mine, because I know no matter what happens, I will try my best to attend Friday service, simply because it's a personal responsibility towards my anchor service.

Do you have that conviction as well?


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