Are you moody?

Do you sometimes feel that skies are greyer than normal?
Do you have times when you just feel like nothing good is going to happen to you?
Do you at times feel like running away to a faraway place and never coming back?

I feel like that at times. All of a sudden, my mood will magnify itself and it's like a translucent cloth that just appears infront of my eyes, making everything I see blur. Colourless. Meaningless. Maybe this is unique to women? I don't know about that. I guess some men are like that too. I have millions of guy friends who are temperamental too, and it's like sunny days can immediately turn into storms. So, maybe it's gender-proof.

Some say it's got to do with the brain juices in our head. Others say it's to do with things that happen around us which affect us. I guess most of it is true. We are afterall people with feelings, emotions and moods. We can get affected by many things. Good things of course make us happy. Bad things make us sad. Some question God. Others leave God.

But I guess if we are people who are led by our moods and emotions, we can never make it big in life. Because life is full of the good and bad, isn't it? Nobody's life is constantly good, or constantly bad. Surely, when God distributes those things, He does it fairly. Or at least according to His will.

Who are we to question God, actually? If I love God, do I not believe He will give me everything that is good, and not withdraw them from me? And if bad things do happen to good people, does it mean God doesn't love me anymore? I doubt it! It's for a better good, a bigger good, a brighter future. But we just can't see it now, isn't it?? Still, it doesn't mean it is not there even if we don't see it.

I shared before many times that it is a decision to be happy. I embrace this philosophy. In fact, I believe many things in our lives can change for the better if we make that decision within our hearts. I believe life can be much more enriching and fulfilling if we really do it.

I don't want to let my moods determine how I live my life. There are times I don't feel like talking. There are times I just feel like sulking at a coffee place. There are times I don't feel like moving at all. But when I am serving God, leading cell group, serving my pastors, I still find the strength to smile, the courage to press on, the ability to counsel and lift up others. Is it me? No! It's God! God empowers me by giving me what I don't have so that I can continue serving God.

People who are constantly battling with ups and downs in their moods are unstable. An unstable person cannot be used by God. Our God is a constant God. His promises never changes. His purpose and vision never alters. He is an immovable ROCK. So, if we belong to Jesus, let us strive to be stable like Him as well. Isn't that our common goal? To be more and more like Jesus?

At the end of the day, we got to be clear. Are we serving man or God? Are we hoping to get praises and appreciation from the people we serve? Or are we willing to slog and give our best even when nobody sees? If we say that we are serving God, then don't let how others are reacting or responding to you affect your service. Don't.

Our service to God should be wholehearted and unwavering. We serve Him because we love Him. Not because of someone else. Not because of some blessings or recognition. Not because of anything. Not because it's fun to do it. Not because we are forced into it. Not because there's no one else to do it. We do it because we love God. It's as simple as that.

Don't let your moods dictate your life. Rule your moods with your life!


Serene said…
ya, we should take control of our moods and never allow our moods to control us!!!

But i must do admit that there are times when i just like to wallow in "self-pity", just like to dwell in those moody moods... but thank God that i always manage to get out of that!

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