At ease...

It just happened all of a sudden. Suddenly, I felt the peace of God upon me. Maybe it's like the song we sang at cell group yesterday - 'You are the peace that guards my heart". Thank God for being the peace of my heart.

For many weeks, I've been feeling burdened in my heart. It feels like I'm pregnated with something great within me, but it just wouldn't come out. I feel frustrated sometimes thinking about it. And frustration always brings despair if no breakthrough comes. But thank God that He lifts me up with His peace. It is in His peace, I feel assured and safe. It is in His peace, I am reminded of the love of God.

I really feel it in my spirit. After we pledged last week to the building fund, I really felt that God will move mightily in our midst. Because we had been faithful and obedient to Him, God will see to it that all our needs are met. As we build His House, He will build our house as well.

Get ready for the growth to come. That is the desire of my heart, to see the kingdom of God come. To see this cell group grow and multiply. To see all my members rise up to another level of faith. To see dreams come to pass. To see families and families coming to the Lord.... and I believe with all my heart that if that is the desire of my heart, God will make it happen for me because I first obeyed Him. God is the One who will bring the increase. With God, nothing is impossible.


Praise the Lord :)

Sister Klessis, actually in the army also got a term for at ease. We call it "Senang Deri". :)

It is such an encouraging thought. Thank you so much for sharing it. I also believe that the blessings will overflow one.
Mummy Kless said…
Yo Andy.. :P Thank you for reading my blog.. I write because I know my friends can share my life with me..:P

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