Just Believe...

I like Sabie's blog today.

We just need simple faith, isn't it? Simple faith to believe that our God is a good God, and the devil is the bad devil. At the end of the day, it's not how much or how hard we serve. Our life is based on the simple truth that my God is a God who will never change and His goodness will endure forever.

Sometimes, we are the ones who make life difficult and complicated. We worry when we have no friends to bring to church. We worry when we don't rise up as fast as we want to. And when we finally rise up, we worry that we can't do it well. We worry when the person we like don't seem to like us. We worry when that good friend you thought you have has somehow turned cold towards you. We worry when things get stressful at our workplace. We worry that our results won't glorify God. We worry when we don't have things to do. We worry when there are too many things to do.

But friends, if we just take a breather from all our worries and settle our hearts again, we will see that at the end of the day, all I need is a simple faith in God.

A simple faith to believe that God will bring friends to us so that we can bring them to church. A simple faith to believe that we will rise up according to God's best timing. A simple faith to believe that God will bring that special someone into our lives to be our partners. A simple faith to believe that God will keep our friendships. A simple faith to believe that we can have a spirit of excellence in our workplace and school. A simple faith to believe that God will enable me to glorify Him with everything that we do.

Come back to the basics, shall we? Love God because He is good.


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