Disappointments are Bound to Come.....

I guess we cannot expect life to be a bed of roses. If we naively think so, we are in for a huge disappointment. Yet, thank God that He is a God who is faithful right to the end. Even in the midst of a storm, God is there to lift me up. And He never allows anything to happen to me unless He know I can take it.

A feeling of disappointment is hard to bear sometimes. I wish everything can be easy & smooth sailing, but it's never so. When I don't lead my CG well, I feel lousy and disappointed. Not at God of course, but at myself. When I don't meet up to people's standards, I feel lousy & disappointed. Not at others, but at myself again. I guess life can be full of disappointments, but really, it depends on how we look at it.

Disappointments stem out of expectations. This is of course not to say that I should stop having any sort of expectations in order to stop my disappointments. I think it's more to do with how we manage it. Everyone must have some expectations of some sort. We can't just go through life without any minimum expectations on ourselves and on others. While unrealistic expectations can bring about disappointments and disillusion, well-managed ones can push up to the next level of excellence.

The most important thing is, I feel, not to let disappointments choke up our desires and destroy our confidence in God. Many things can happen in our life to steal away our faith and trust in God. Even small little things can suck up our faith bit by bit. So, we really got to be careful about that. A bitter person is usually someone who has tried to cover up his disappointments and not deal with it properly.

But thank God He doesn't waste any experiences. He is the One who will heal my heart of disappointments and sadness. He is the One who will be with me forever, even when every single soul leaves me. Thank God I found You, Jesus!

Sometimes I wonder what my life will be like without Jesus. I wouldn't have found Isaiah, my church friends, my cell group members, my leaders... Life will be very different, I reckon! And definitely, because I found Jesus, my life has become one that is fulfilled and purposeful. At least I now know where I am heading to. At least I have a clear picture of what my future holds. At least I know there is a God who loves me wholeheartedly.

Some people ask me. Why are you encouraging yourself all the time? Hello> If I dun encourage myself, do I expect others to encourage me? Do I expect my members to encourage me? Do I expect my leaders to encourage me? True, there are many loving people around me who encourages me all the time, but I need to be the one to start encouraging myself first. So that, even when I am caught in a situation where I can find no external sources of encouragement, I can still encourage myself. This is important, you know. Because only self-assured and confident people can encourage themselves, and have leftovers to encourage others. : )

So, dun let disappointments get us down! People we love may disappoint us. People who matter to us can disappoint us. But let's take courage! Our God is the perfect God! He will never disappoint us!! =)


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