Good Day this is!
This morning I woke up feeling refreshed! : ) It's a much better feeling than waking up wishing I could sleep some more. So, I believe it's gonna be a great day! God is a faithful God. He reminds me of His goodness in small things like these.
So fast, I'm coming to the last day of my 2nd last week at MHA. Time really flies this month. I can't believe that next week is my last week! It sure didn't feel so near to the end because my whole cubicle is still in one big mess and I haven't seen my replacement yet. Tomorrow, I've got to go Hyatt Hotel to arrange for one lunch my Minister is hosting, then I'm back to office to clear my stuffs. I endeavour to stay at least 6 hours to clear my things, and come out with a checklist of all the files under my name, all the possessions I need to hand over, and all the outstanding tasks.
Just now, my Senior AD came over and told me that my boss said no need for me to go & settle the lunch by Minister tomorrow, because it would complicate matters when I claim time off for tomorrow's event. I was like 'durh'... such small things no need to bother lah. I didn't even say I am going to claim time off for it, cos at most I'll just need an hour or so to settle everything. Really no need to ji jiao too much. But my boss was really thoughtful, she didn't want to shortchange me. So, while I am a little bewildered by it, I am grateful for her thoughtfulness.
Anyway, I feel very encouraged by what Bro John sms-ed me just now. It boosted my confidence for my next job. I thank God for good leaders in the zone who show me the support that I need. I really hope I can serve them well, and know the heart of my pastors. This is not something I do for a while and if I don't like it, i just leave. This is the place I am going to stay for very very long. It just occured to me: This is gonna be my last job on this earth. Haha... sounds exciting. =D
Tonight Sy Rogers is coming to preach!!! I am so looking forward to it. Everytime I hear him preach, I get so inspired. To me, Pst Sy is someone who will talk about things we all thought we know very well but we didn't really take time to think about it. He will always say something that makes me stop and think 'wow, that's right.. that's exactly it!' So, I believe it's gonna be an awesome time tonight!
Starting next week, I am going to start a countdown like serene.. : )