
Pst Robert Ekh is in town this weekend. He's not the typical animated preacher on the pulpit, but he's really the teacher kind of preacher who will lay concepts line upon line, precept upon precept. He was preaching about families in last night's service. Well, more than qualified to teach on the topic, since he has got 7 children himself!

Something he said struck me last night. Pst Robert said that families are used to carry and pass on the purpose of God through the generations.

I have never seen families as carrying such a mission or purpose. I always thought families are meant to make human beings feel wanted and belonged. It's to provide for man's need for love and acceptance. This is indeed revelation.

What with an impending motherhood for me, I felt that the message was very applicable to me. It made me realise once again, the importance of being a good mother to my child. I have the responsibility to pass on the legacy to my future generations. To share the goodness of the Lord, and to impart the love for God through my lineage.

Strong families will build strong churches. Weak families will result in weak churches. God's perfect plan is indeed full of wisdom. The way God structures everything in society never fails to amaze me.

And I feel that this is so applicable even to those who are not married or have children yet. Because everyone of us can take up this responsibility to spark off a revival in our families and be that one person who will change the destiny of our household into one that has hope in Jesus Christ.

From my generation onwards, I will pass on blessings from generations to generations....


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