I am for you all the way

This weekend during service, Pst Kong announced a piece of news which touched me to the very core of my heart and I could not help but cry when he said it.

Really, i cried not because it was so touching or so moving, but because I saw the expression on his face when the congregation clapped and clapped for him. He just stood there at the pulpit, not exactly smiling, but just looking very touched in his heart as well that the church is for him. From his expression, I know it's a very tough decision. On one hand, Pst loves the church so much that he doesn't want to add financial burden to it. He also wants the members to be able to stand tall and proud of him and the church infront of others who never fail to criticise the salaries that pastors are drawing. Yet, he is like you and I. He has a family to support, he needs to travel frequently to meet up with Sun and he needs to give to building fund and to missions. All I can say is the entire decision is based on faith. If not for faith in God, how to sustain without drawing a salary from church?

I am very proud of my Pastor. Because he sacrificed so that we, the church, can avoid alot of questioning from people outside who do not understand. I guess the only way is to walk blameless and leave no room at all for such accusations. And in doing so, I learnt a precious lesson. Sacrifice is more than just talk. It means giving of the whole life without any reservation.

Pastor, I say again: I am very proud of you, and I am proud to be part of City Harvest.



There's this song which is really close to my heart...

"....one thing i ask.... that i may dwell in your house forever...."

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