A Beautiful Ending..

"The end of a matter is better than the beginning."

Indeed, as I come to the end of Year 2005, I have alot of mixed feelings in my heart. Year 2005 had been a milestone year in my life. Many drastic changes took place in my life. However, much of these things did not happen till the second half of the year. If you ask me, the first half of the year felt like a blur to me now. I vaguely remember feeling rather distressed at one point during the mid year period because it seemed that I hadn't accomplished much!

But as I moved into the 2nd half of Year 2005, miracles and breakthroughs started to happen. First of all, I went into full-time ministry as a zone secretary in church, serving one of the pastors I respect the most - Pst Lillian. As a zone secretary in my very own zone also gave me an appreciation of the vision of Pst even better. I felt the calling of God in my life that I should not just be a mediocre church-goer. I should rise up and shoulder the burden of the zone and the church, and embrace the holy calling & vision God placed upon this church.

At the same time, I got the great news that I was pregnant! It happened at a time when Isaiah & I didn't really expect it. In fact, I remembered Isaiah was telling me every day that he felt that I was pregnant. But stubborn me refused to see a doctor, saying it's not possible that it's so fast. hahaha... It turned out to be the best surprise of the year for us. : )

There you go.. Two biggest things that could ever happen to me in my life happened in Year 2005. Can I say it's not a good year? Hardly possible. God's goodness and faithfulness never fail to amaze me. Even in the midst of trials and tribulations, difficulties and challenges, God's love & grace always pierce through the darkness. I will always remember what Pst Sy rogers shared.. "When I am afraid, I will trust in You."

Indeed, there were times I felt afraid. I felt apprehensive. I felt worried. I felt insecure. Many times in 2005, I felt trapped, I felt limited, I felt like a failure. Yet, I am called to be an overcomer, right?! Nothing will get me down! In spite of all the unhappy things that happened in Year 2005, I will look forward to a great 2006. There are many things I can look forward to in this coming year....

My baby Joey...... Gary & Meiling's baby....Cell group multiplication.... Exponential growth in the zone...... Hoe & Xia's wedding.... Lester & Joy's wedding.... Bruce & Shaun's wedding..... SEE! Many good things coming.. : )

Dear Friends, thank you for you in my life in 2005. Let's march into Year 2006 with hope & expectancy in our hearts. : ) It's gonna be the BEST YEAR yet.


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