The common denominator is YOU
Quite frankly, no one likes to be around people who constantly think they are the victims & they ought to be treated much better by people around them. People with victim-mentality drive others nuts. And they repel people. Yeh, these may be strong words, but I think it's true. Yeh, there may be people who are willing to take in all the nonsense from people like that, but before long, anyone will lose the patience and stop trying.
It is very easy to feel sorry for ourselves. Infact if you stop & count the number of times you pity yourself and sympathise with yourself, even though you don't say it out loud, you will be amazed. Subconsciously, thoughts of self pity can sound in my mind when I don't watch myself. Yet, feeding on those thoughts can be very dangerous because it is one of satan's tool of weakening us.
Thinking the whole world owes us something & that we have not been treated fairly & in the manner we deserved to be treated makes us feel better sometimes. At least it makes us feel that the fault does not lie with us, and it's always because of SOMEONE ELSE. So, we just allow ourselves to dwell in that kind of state whenever things don't go our way, or we feel injusticed that others are getting more attention, more favours, and more of everything than us. Jealousy is a common trait. Anger is another. These display of emotions, more often than not, shows the great insecurity inside of us.
Instead of saying that everyone seems to be against us in every group of friends we are in, why don't we stop & see the truth for ourselves? The common denominator is really just us. Perhaps, HELLO, the problem lies with us and not with someone else? For once??
Yes sure.. You can kick up a fuss about how nobody values you, or likes you, or bothers to understand you. You can just pack your bags & leave. But the problem will still be there no matter where you go. So, leaving is NOT the solution.
If you are brave enough, face up to the truth about yourself. Stop running away from the problem. It just will not solve anything. Nobody may be able to tell. You know best yourself. And not forgetting, God knows.
Quite frankly, no one likes to be around people who constantly think they are the victims & they ought to be treated much better by people around them. People with victim-mentality drive others nuts. And they repel people. Yeh, these may be strong words, but I think it's true. Yeh, there may be people who are willing to take in all the nonsense from people like that, but before long, anyone will lose the patience and stop trying.
It is very easy to feel sorry for ourselves. Infact if you stop & count the number of times you pity yourself and sympathise with yourself, even though you don't say it out loud, you will be amazed. Subconsciously, thoughts of self pity can sound in my mind when I don't watch myself. Yet, feeding on those thoughts can be very dangerous because it is one of satan's tool of weakening us.
Thinking the whole world owes us something & that we have not been treated fairly & in the manner we deserved to be treated makes us feel better sometimes. At least it makes us feel that the fault does not lie with us, and it's always because of SOMEONE ELSE. So, we just allow ourselves to dwell in that kind of state whenever things don't go our way, or we feel injusticed that others are getting more attention, more favours, and more of everything than us. Jealousy is a common trait. Anger is another. These display of emotions, more often than not, shows the great insecurity inside of us.
Instead of saying that everyone seems to be against us in every group of friends we are in, why don't we stop & see the truth for ourselves? The common denominator is really just us. Perhaps, HELLO, the problem lies with us and not with someone else? For once??
Yes sure.. You can kick up a fuss about how nobody values you, or likes you, or bothers to understand you. You can just pack your bags & leave. But the problem will still be there no matter where you go. So, leaving is NOT the solution.
If you are brave enough, face up to the truth about yourself. Stop running away from the problem. It just will not solve anything. Nobody may be able to tell. You know best yourself. And not forgetting, God knows.