This is the message that Isaiah shared with the CG. Hope it blesses you as much as it did for me. =)
Everything in life starts with a desire.
For many of us, we are where we are now because of our desires in the past. The question is, 'Are we happy with where we are today?' and after achieving one desire in our hearts, do we stop desiring more?
Having a desire is important because not having a desire will cause us to become stagnant in life.
We can look into the lives of many bible heros and see that it was the desire in their hearts that brought them forward. Looking at Joshua's life, we can see that he was a man who had a desire after the spiritual things. That set him apart from the crowd.
What will your DESIRE bring forth?
1. DIRECTION (God's purpose for us)
The first thing that God gave Joshua was not his abilities or talents.
The very first thing that our desires will bring, is a direction or purpose from God.
2. EFFECTIVENESS (God's talents/abilities for us)
After we know which direction to move towards, God will give us the effectiveness to do what we are called to do. Abilities and talents always comes after we know what we are supposed to do.
3. SERVANTHOOD (God's heart for us)
The key to Joshua's longevity in ministry is really a servant's heart. Even when he was the leader of a great nation, he maintained a very humble attitude. Serving the people and serving the leader had always been in Joshua's life. When you have a servant's heart, where you are standing becomes the holy ground where God's presence is.
4. INCREASE (God's provision/power for us)
Joshua availed himself for the work of God and in turn, God gave him his increase. Only when we understand the heart of God can we experience his power.
5. RELATIONSHIP (God's love for us)
After experiencing God's increase and power in our lives, we sometimes find ourselves in a position where we neglect our relationship with God. Be careful in our successes. Do not allow our success to stop us from seeking God more. If we lose our focus, come back to God in repentence and He is a faithful God who will forgive us.
6. ESTABLISHMENT (God's glory for us)
At the end of the day, God will never shortchange us. Joshua was honoured just like Moses. He stood before God and the Israelites and spoke the Word. God will establish us in glory.
Direction – God’s plan for you
Effectiveness – God’s abilities for you
Servanthood – God’s heart for you
Increase – God’s power for you
Relationship – God’s love for you
Establishment – God’s glory for you
Be blessed...