Enduring To The End
Pst Derek shared about running the race of endurance last weekend at church. I love hearing such messages because it spurs me on.
Endurance is something so crucial in our walk with God. Quite frankly, people who have a chance to hear about Jesus and experiencing His presence and touch will know that it's not a very difficult decision to accept Him as our Lord & Saviour. Jesus is love and no one rejects love. Yet, the crux of it is really enduring in this race of faith. After accepting Jesus into our lives, we encounter a million and one things that can distract us and pull us away from God. We can lose the faith we received into our hearts, in a matter of seconds.
I am the kind of person whose first reaction when I meet stress is to think of how I can get out of that situation. Hahaha... it's true, and alot of times, getting out means giving up. Well, that sounds pretty cowardly, but it's just one of those reflex actions of mine. Of course, I don't really give up majority of the time, because I will walk myself through the various options I have on hand to get the task done and get rid of the stress. But the truth is that giving up is the easiest thing to do, really. It's the simplest solution when we are faced with a knotty problem, or when we wish we didn't have to do something.. you get what I mean. =)
That is why endurance is so important.
Without endurance, we will never make it anywhere. Nothing in life comes easy. Everything requires some form of perseverance and endurance.
Endurance is definitely not easy to do. It forces us to continue keeping on when it gets hard-going. It requires us to place our spirit above our flesh, that even when our flesh screams that it wants to give up, the spirit rules over it and takes control of it. Cool.
Everyday, I remind myself to keep enduring and enduring and keep pressing on. I still meet days where I wake up and feel like giving up, but it really helps when I keep thinking about those kairos moments I had with God. Those moments He spoke a word into my life. Those moments I sensed His tangible presence when I sang a love song to Him. Those moments I heard Him tell me where I should go and which way to turn to.
It's an amazing journey with Jesus so far, and I have every intention to endure until the very end. =)