Prosperity Is A Result!

One of the greatest things I've learnt ever since I became a believer is that God wants me to be prosperous.

I remember when I was young as a believer, I was constantly bombarded by talks & beliefs that servants of God ought to be poor and live in some run-down room in an old church somewhere, living some insufferable life that God intended them to. Even as a young person, I could not reconcile this in my heart. I wondered why would someone who loves us so much want something like that for people who truly serve and love Him?

When I started City Harvest Church, one of the first things that totally blew me away was the revelation that actually God's intention is that I prosper! Prosper in my finances, health, career, family, everything! Now, that was exciting for me, because all of a sudden, it all made sense and I no longer feel confused. And having experienced the many blessings of God in the past few years, I've come to realise that this is very true. My God wants me to prosper. No doubt about it.

I know there are many people who still have difficulties understanding why prosperity is God-given. I came across this article which I think explains it all very well and here are some of the extracted points which I hope will bless you like it blessed me. :)

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The article talks about how prosperity is not the main focus of any ministry, yet it should also not be something that's totally ignored. Prosperity is part of God's will for his believers and as Christians, we have the potential to walk in all of God's blessings (How assuring!!)

1. Prosperity is a result (3 John 2)
As we obey God's word and walk in accordance to what He has called us to do, God prospers us. It happens as a result of our obedience to Him. And that is to say, if we are in lack today, and we keep obeying God's word, we will get out of our lack soon!

2. Things are meant to be used, not to be loved (Mark 10:17-27)
We can possess many material things, but never let it possess us such that we are subjected to them instead of us taking ownership over them. Riches are also not to be trusted in because while we prosper, God expects our trust to remain in Him. The focus should always be on God Himself. And that means that even when we do become rich, we are able to remain humble because the focus is on God who has blessed us greatly, and not on the blessings.

3. We're prospered in order to bless (Deut 8:18)
Abundance comes from God so that the believer can bless others. There is a responsibility that comes along with prosperity.

4. God's desire is that His people prosper (Gen 12:1-3)
Each believer has to receive the blessings of Abraham that include spiritual, emotional, physical & material blessings. If your bible is the same as mine, you will know that Abraham was a very very rich man. :)

Arise & Build is approaching and I am all excited about it! Every time I participate in the giving to build God a house, my heart is full of expectancy of what is to come and the abundance that I can expect from Him. Simply because I know what kind of God I serve. :)

Let's Arise & Build!!!!!!


Great post!

I think its great that u pointed out that propserity is a result of our continual obedience to God.

We are not in love with God because he is rich and he can bless us; but we give, as it shows our lack of reliance on the riches of this earth.

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