My Babies’ Website!

I am so happy to announce that my babies’ website is officially launched!!

Let me first explain the history of my babies’ blog. I first started blogging in Jan 2006 when I was pregnant with Joey. The blog was named “Princess Joey'” in blogspot and I documented the 2nd half of my pregnancy all the way till the first 6 months of Joey’s life there. Then I decided to shift to Multiply and it was at Multiply, I continued blogging about Joey till now (Joey’s about to turn 3 next month).

Finally, I decided it’s time to merge both blogs together so that I can have a website which has a complete documentation of Joey’s life, and Baby Jayne’s life when she arrives. It’ll be a website that documents my entire journey as a mummy and of course, the growing up years of my kids.

And  so, I bought a domain name for them!

(very similar to this one, I know. But purposefully so =D)

If you are free, you can drop by to read about my kids! :)


Unknown said…
Haha! Congrats - the importing of the entries are FINALLY over! ;)
Mummy Kless said…
YES YES! phew........

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