What’s Your Reputation Like?
I’ve got this thought lingering in my mind in the past few days. Seen things, heard comments & felt emotions from people around me that triggered the thoughts.
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Much as we know we should not judge people, we are human beings after all right? We form impressions of people based on past experiences with them or having had previous encounters which left deep impressions on us. Subsequently, we will subconsciously view them through the impressions we had formed of them in the first place.
You know how it is.. Some people will always be late for appointments. Perpetual latecomer. You just knew it. Some people say they would do something but will never do it. No credibility. You already knew it. Some people say they are sorry, but they never meant it. Totally insincere. Why are you not surprised? So much so that once in a blue moon when they don’t make those mistakes, you would just sweep it under the carpet as, ‘Thank God, but it’s just one of those rare times they didn’t mess it up.’
Pretty sad if you have that kind of reputation, isn’t it?
Just a few days back, I told someone to help ensure that Person A reach on time for an appointment with Person B. That someone literally laughed and commented, ‘This is funny. It’d be great if Person B is not late himself.’ Reputation.
Another incident, I was sharing with Person A what great plans Person B has, but even though the plans sounded exciting, Person A looked skeptical and commented, ‘Let’s just see when he will actually do it.’ Reputation.
I don’t even have to search deep within myself, and I already know there are some people in my life, whom I have already formed impressions of, and it’s not easy to get rid of them (the impressions, I mean =P).
What kind of reputation do you have in the hearts of your bosses, your peers or those who look up to you?
It’s morbid, but I sometimes think of what people will say at my funeral. Will they say that Klessis has been a devoted wife & mother? Will they say that Klessis has been a helpful colleague? Will they say that Klessis has been faithful & committed in the tasks entrusted to her? Will they say that Klessis was dependable and always made things happen? Will they say that Klessis has made a difference & touched their lives?
I certainly hope that nice things would be said about me even though I won’t hear them myself by then! Haha….
But seriously, have you ever considered this question? What kind of reputation do you have? Are you a mediocre person or someone with excellence? Are you always on time or are you perpetually late? Do you always keep your promises or do you always break them? Are you always forgetful or are you conscientious? Are you always willing or often unwilling? Are you a positive or critical person?
I don’t think it’s a bad thing to always reflect on ourselves because only by doing so, we can understand ourselves better and also understand how people perceive us. Sometimes we wonder why people don’t trust us or question our integrity. It happens because our reputation is already stained. Now, if we know where our flaws are, and how it’s affecting the way people perceive & relate to us, we can learn to overcome those flaws so that we become a better person? I think it’s a good thing.
I want a good reputation and leave behind a legacy. Don’t ya? =)