
Sometimes it takes a tragedy to put things into perspective.

Just read about Keyleigh’s story and the whole sadness overwhelms me, even though I don’t know her.


Little Kayleigh just passed away yesterday.

I don’t think I will ever be able to fathom or even understand what the sadness is like.

Life is in the hands of the Lord, and He alone decides what to give and what to take away. Obviously, there is a far greater plan than what my small mind can comprehend, still, as a human being and a mum, it’s hard not to feel for her and the family. The pain, the sadness, the loss…

It’s stories like these that make me feel that the little things I get upset over in life are just… nothing. All of a sudden, I feel that I am such a petty little girl, getting offended by the tiniest thing or person. My heart ought to be bigger than that. I ought to be contented with what I already have in life. I can be more grateful & thankful to God for what He has blessed me with so far. Don’t you agree?

Yet, it is comforting to know that little Kayleigh is now safe & happy in the Hands of the Almighty God.


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