Complacency Dangers

The moment one gets complacent, he is stepping into a danger zone.

But I do agree that people can easily become complacent with things and situations that seem to be kept well under control. Or when we have become rather good in the things that we are supposed to do, we tend to go onto an auto-pilot mode after some time.

It used to be when I would check through every page of my exam paper just to make sure that I didn't miss out any questions or make any careless wrong calculations. That was in Primary School. As I grew older, however, complacency started to seep in and more and more careless mistakes would be made in my papers.

When I first became a zone sec, I would be very careful with my work. Everyday I am on my toes because I want to make sure I get everything done properly. Slowly after I get the hang of my job, there would be times when I don't focus that properly and I would make mistakes or miss out certain important things that I should update Pastor. When that happens, immediately I'll switch back into my full alert mode again and make sure that I do everything else after that in tip top condition. So, in and out of the complacency mode I would move sometimes. I am afterall just human, right?

Just yesterday, I made 2 mistakes in a day. Not superly huge mistakes, but just mistakes which I felt I shouldn't have made. And I feel so angry with myself! I must have slipped into the complacency mode again and I deserved the chiding I got. Then I realised where the danger lies when we are operating in a complacency mode.

When we are complacent, we generally do not THINK much. And that's why it's bad. When we don't think, we tend to miss out alot of details and become careless and slipshod. We will go through the motion in the things that we do. We forget to check and check to ensure that everything is correct. We just take things for granted. Overconfidence.

And it's very important that we are always in a thinking mode. We need to think for our leaders, our boss, our superiors, our disciplers.. so that the things we do will not jeopardise them in any way. As a person who serves someone in a higher position, we got to remember that our actions represent them. And it is our duty to represent them well in any situation. Sometimes we may think that it's a small mistake we have made. But it will put your discipler in bad light.

When we fail to think, we become vulnerable to mistakes or loopholes we may have left out. We're all not perfect people. We can be careless. That's why it is so important that in everything that we do, we consider and think and consider and think before doing anything. Don't be a person lacking in thinking because it will show in the things that we do. That is why Pastor Lillian always tells me that she will check & check everything many many times just to make sure that nothing will go wrong. Not so that she can make life difficult for anyone. But simply because she recognises that her actions can affect many other people and a mistake alone can bring much harm.

In a relationship, it's the same thing. Don't allow ourselves to slip into complacency simply because you have been with the same person living in harmony for the past 2 years. Surely nothing can happen RIGHT? Not right! When complacency sinks in, we take each other for granted. Even the simple and very important things like 'I love you', or 'You really look great today', we don't say anymore. Aiyoh.. she knows me so well, even if i don't praise her or say nice things, she still knows I feel that way... Wrong again! We got to keep praising & encouraging each other so that a strong and lasting relationship can be built.

And as the years pass by, we must do it even more because we need to be constantly reminded that there is always a special someone who thinks the heavens about us. Always remember there is power in the words that we speak. Don't take your partners for granted because that's stepping on a minefield. It may just blow up in your face anytime.

So you see, complacency is so dangerous. To me, it's pride wrapped up in many layers of newspapers. From the outside, you can't really see how bad it is. But when you unwrap the layers, you will find that the core of it is actually pride. "I can do it SO well that I don't even need to think when I'm doing it now..", "Even if I don't put in any effort, it will still turn out well.." Aiyoh, give me a break. Can you please think before you say anything like that?

We got to guard our hearts against complacency.


sis kless, this article is so timely. Just came back from Taiwan to attend a friend's wedding. During this trip, a lot of things happened. I have learnt that we should not take my family for granted. Thank God for a beautiful trip and good ending. Thank God for his protection and love.

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