Fly Away

My dear friend Serene, aka Joey's godma has flown away this morning to Wuxi (Like finally). It's the first time she's away from home (and us!) for so long, so I can't help but be concerned for her. In any case, concerned is one thing, but I know she's going to do just fine and will enjoy herself infact. =)

Come to think of it, she said she will blog at the restricted check-in area to let us know she is going onboard soon. But she didn't! I wonder if she really boarded the plane, knowing how 'fickle' her company is. =P

Take care my friend, during the 2 months you are there. I believe you will bless the company there with your expertise & skills. Be a light that shines over there ya?! And don't forget to keep in touch via msn. I'll miss you! :)


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