The Most Vulnerable

Some time back, Isaiah & I had a conversation about church staff. Many of you know that Isaiah used to work in the church office as well, so he knows what goes on in the office and what a church staff goes through.

Many people have the impression that church staff are the most spiritual bunch of people in church. Afterall, the work environment is so good, and reading the bible or worshipping God on a guitar can be done openly at any time of the day. There are stipulated times for groups of staff to pray together. In everything we do and plan, we commit them into the Hands of God.

True, church staff ought to be the most spiritual people around. Everything stems out from the leadership, and if the leadership in the church is strong, the people will be strong.

That's the best case scenario.
And in this less-than-perfect world, we all know that things don't always happen the way it's intended to.

Alot of times, the church staff are the ones who are slack in doing quiet time. They may be so overwhelmed by work that they neglect the other important things & people in life. They may become complacent and just hide comfortably under the mask of a 'very spiritual person who serves wholeheartedly in church'. People generally assume they are very spiritual & hears from God everyday that they can't possibly go wrong.

No, I have no intention to throw you into disillusions. Most of the church staff are spiritual people who loves God and loves the church & people. My point is that church staff stand on the battle field everyday and because of that, persecutions are also stronger. They are up against alot more spiritual attacks than normal members in church. So please. Pray for us.

During every building fund season, this is especially evident. As the staff prayed together, we kept praying for our safety and for the safety of our family members, and to preserve the relationships in our family with one another. Simply because we could see the attacks happening everyday. Some family member will fall sick. Some will go through trials. Another one will face problems. It's things like that which made us realise we had to keep praying for the protection of God upon us. We are vulnerable and we may be hit anytime.

Yet, undeniably, while there're greater trials, there're also greater blessing and grace. God shows His faithfulness and love for the church staff in an evident way. In the multitude of counsels, there is also safety. Being in an environment like this, we are constantly reminded to stay in the spirit. When we face problems, we pray our way through. When we are stuck & don't know what to do, we sit down & share with our pastors who will give us wise counsel and pray with us.

And we really ought to be the people who pray the most, because every decision we make must be God-pleasing. What a disaster it is if we are just a bunch of carnal people?

Pastor Tan has been sharing with the pastoral staff alot recently about praying and how He believes that our church's breakthrough is going to come through prayers. I agree wholeheartedly with him. We can plan & strategise a thousand plans, but God will only make it happen based on our prayers. Prayer moves the Hand of God.

Pastor asked us a question the other day: "If God said to you, 'Just pray an hour a day and I will grow the church to 100,000', what would you do? You will pray right???"

And it's really so easy. Just pray and seek the Lord and everything will happen according to His plans for our church. No gimmicks. Just pray.

Have you caught the flow yet? Everyone is praying, and seeing new & exciting things happening in their lives like never before. Are you too? :)


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