I Cannot Be A Full-Time Housewife
Much as I’ve been ranting for most parts of my life that my lifelong dream is to be a full-time housewife someday, I really don’t think I can make a good full-time housewife.
Here’s 5 reasons why:
1) I HATE to do household chores.
That explains it, doesn’t it? A housewife HAS to do household chores. A housewife HAS to keep the house spick & span, cook great meals for her husband & kids AND look good at the same time. If I stay at home for a considerable number of months doing all of those day in and day out, I may well become hysterical.
2) I LOVE to spend my own money.
A major pitfall about not having a job is that I have to live off my husband. I don’t think I can handle that very well, thank you very much. I love it that I can buy clothes, cosmetics, shoes, bags and everything fashionably nice without having to ask for money. Even though I’m sure my husband will buy me what I ask for, it just doesn’t feel good. Personal opinion.
3) I LOVE working hard.
Before SAHMs & full-time housewives hurl obscenities at all, let me quantify: Full-time housewives work very hard too, but it’s not the kind of work I’ll enjoy doing on a long-term basis. I love running around, dealing with people, handling requests, doing up reports, etc etc. All those give me an unexplainable thrill. And most working mums would probably agree with me on this: While we would love to spend every waking moment with our babies, getting back to work actually gives us back a piece of sanity that we seemed to have misplace along the way after giving birth to the cutest thing on earth.
4) I LACK motivation.
It’s true. When I am left pretty much on my own without any deadlines or defined agenda, I find it hard to motivate myself to do anything very important or substantial. If I stay home all the time, I may just rot away quietly.
5) I CANNOT sit still.
Check out my previous blog entry. Enough said.
More than 2/3 of my maternity leave has gone by and I’ll be starting work in approximately 20 days’ time. Scarily fast eh? But I must say I thoroughly enjoyed this maternity leave. Unlike the first maternity leave which I spent most of the time grappling with new stuffs, this time around, I really felt that I had a good rest and good break from work. Thank God for wonderful bosses & colleagues who gave me a total break away from work and I could focus on taking care of baby and resting myself. I feel rejuvenated and ready to chiong again!
It’s time to start thinking about how things are going to be when I start work. Many things to plan like what time to wake up every morning so that I have time to feed and bathe baby before bringing her to office with me. Got to plan how to schedule my work so that I can meet my deadlines (mostly 10-11pm at nights) and feed baby & put her to sleep. It’s going to be a lot of multi-tasking and time management coupled with lots of wisdom & anointing from God. I got to balance all my acts well!
Wish me all best!