A Time To Be Alone
I think the rarest commodity of a mother is time to be alone.
Some people dislike being alone, because it’s often associated with loneliness. But loneliness is really a state of mind, while being alone is just a situation. I enjoy being alone and after becoming a mother, I appreciate such moments even more. When I am alone, I feel rejuvenated and refreshed. It’s as if my mind underwent a thorough cleansing and everything becomes crystal clear. When I am alone by myself, I notice things I otherwise would not pay attention to when I am with other people. And that often puts things into perspective for me. I call it the de-cluttering process.
I had one of these precious alone this afternoon. I was feeling very tired, and badly needed to feel the sunshine on my skin and inhale the fresh air outside. And I wanted to talk a walk and just stretch my arms and legs a little. I took a slow walk along some shophouses and stopped to admire some pretty graffiti paintings on a wall facade. I love it that I can just dwell in my own thoughts as I keep walking and walking… It almost felt like I was walking with God and God alone.
Then I settled down for lunch. At NYDC.
Some views I see from my seat. I am sure you know where I was by now. :)